466 2019 California Triple Crown Winners Sorted by Stage Race Winners
2019 California Triple Crown Winners Sorted by Stage Race Winners

2019 California Triple Crown Winners
 Sorted by Stage Race Winners
All Winners
To All Clubs

Winners by Name First Time Winners
Winners by Number of Doubles Volunteers
Winners by Total # Rides Winners by Total # Years
Stage Race Winners Winners by Club
Gold Thousand Mile Club   
Volunteer to Help on a Double Century Club Stats

Age is computed from the Birth Date on file to December 31, 2019. To update your information or buy CTC Products CLICK HERE.
California Triple Crown 2018 Finishers
This Voler Jersey will look GREAT on you!!
If you are among the select few able to complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race,
you NEED one of these Jerseys!!
Check out all of the details of the California Triple Crown Stage Race Jersey

Chuck Bramwell's photos and videos from the 2019 Central Coast Double are HERE including:

2019 CC Start
The Start of the 2019 Central Coast Double Century
Rick Jacobson's 200th Double Century!!

2019 CC Santa Rosa Creek Road
Santa Rosa Creek Road is plenty steep!!

2019 CC Highway 1
Riding up Highway 1 is really nice

2019 CC Nacimiento-Fergusson Rd
Nacimiento-Fergusson Road is a Stairway to Heaven

2019 CC Trees
A long road

2019 CC Shadow
Fun road to finish the Central Coast Double

Chuck Bramwell's photos and videos from the 2015 Terrible Two Double are HERE including:

2015 TT Start
The Start of the 2015 Terrible Two

2015 TT Bennett Valley Road
Flying on Bennett Valley Road

2015 TT Geysers
The climbing begins in earnest on Geysers Road

2015 TT Skaggs
Skaggs Springs Road has some steep climbs in the brutal heat

2015 TT Wall
The Wall is brutally steep!!

2015 TT Fort Ross
The Fort Ross climb goes up and up through an awesome grove of trees!!

2019 AAC Finish
Sakae Wada flies to the Finish Line on the Alta Alpina 8 Pass Challenge and the Overall Winner in the 2019 California Triple Crown Stage Race!!

2019 AAC Finish
Sakae Wada takes a victory lap around the parking lot at the Finish Line on the Alta Alpina 8 Pass Challenge
Sakae was the Overall Winner in the 2019 California Triple Crown Stage Race!!

2016 Central Coast Double Century
Video by Steve Meichtry

2019 Terrible Two
Video by SammerRides25s

2012 Alta Alpina 8 Pass Challenge
Video by Stan Tsang

After completing the three brutally tough stages of the 2019 California Triple Crown Stage Race, the following riders are on the podiums:

2019 Overall Division:
1 - Sakae Wada
2 - Kenny Owen
3 - Maximiliano Mehech

Sakae and Kenny completed the Central Coast Double in the same time
Kenny completed the Terrible Two 11 minutes ahead of Sakae
Sakae completed the Alta Alpina 8 Pass Challenge 55 minutes ahead of Kenny thereby winning the Stage Race by 44 minutes!!

2019 Women's Division:
1 - Shelby Weber

2019 Tandem Division:
No Finishers

2019 Recumbent Division:
No Finishers

2019 Fixed Gear Division:
1 - Steve Smead

Congratulations to everyone.
100 cyclists completed the Central Coast Double on May 11, 2019 under beautiful conditions. 
Only 68 cyclists completed the Highland Course required for the California Triple Crown Stage Race.

109 cyclists registered for the Terrible Two, 104 started and only 68 completed this extremely difficult course.

Ride Organizer Bill Oetinger wrote: "No one knows what the weather will be like when they sign up for the Terrible Two. Mother Nature breathes
in and out every few days—on-shore, off-shore…back and forth—and we never know which end of the cycle
will greet the troops when they line up at the start. One thing we can almost predict though: if it’s hot early in
the week leading up to the TT, it will probably have cooled down by the weekend.

That was the case this year. On Monday and Tuesday we were seeing readings around the county as high
as 106°. Life was a little uncomfortable then, but we took comfort in knowing or at least hoping the fever
would break before Friday. And so it did. On the day of the big ride—Saturday, June 15—highs around the
course ranged from 85° in Cloverdale to an almost nippy 67° in Sebastopol."

The Alta Alpina 8 Pass Challenge was the third and final stage of the 2019 California Triple Crown Stage Race on June 29, 2019.
Only 45 cyclists completed this extremely challenging course with 20,700 Feet of Climbing!!

We tip our helmets to all of those who have completed all three stages of this most difficult 2019 Stage Race.
Everyone who completes all three stages will be recognized at the 2019 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast to be held on 9/22/19,
the day after the Beach City Double. The 3 winners in each division will be awarded the coveted California Triple Crown Stage Race Plaques.

We are looking for photos from these Double Centuries. Please e-mail links to them to Chuck Bramwell at CBrams at CalTripleCrown.com

To complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race is a HUGE Accomplishment in cycling!!

To be in the Tandem Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a tandem with the same person.
To be in the Recumbent Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a Recumbent bike.
To be in the Fixed Gear Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a Fixed Gear bike.
The Overall Division Winners can include Women, Tandems, Recumbents, or Fixed Gear Bikes if they finish in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place overall in the 3 Double Centuries.
No motors of any kind are allowed on these bikes ridden in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... each of those Double Centuries must be strictly human powered events.
Any form of human-powered vehicle is acceptable but the vehicle must be powered solely by the rider.
The awards for the Winners in each Division will be determined by the Organizers of the Double Centuries in the Stage Race.

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