< 2018 California Triple Crown Winners Sorted by Stage Race Winners
2018 California Triple Crown Winners Sorted by Stage Race Winners

Davis Bicycle Club
2018 California Triple Crown Winners
 Sorted by Stage Race Winners
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Winners by Name First Time Winners
Winners by Number of Doubles Volunteers
Winners by Total # Rides Winners by Total # Years
Stage Race Winners Winners by Club
Gold Thousand Mile Club   
Volunteer to Help on a Double Century Club Stats

Age is computed from the Birth Date on file to December 31, 2018. To update your information or buy CTC Products CLICK HERE.
California Triple Crown 2018 Finishers
This Voler Jersey will look GREAT on you!!
If you are among the select few able to complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race,
you NEED one of these Jerseys!!
Check out all of the details of the California Triple Crown Stage Race Jersey

2018 Mt. Diablo
Mount Diablo on the 2018 Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Ray Zambroski

2018 Mt. Diablo
Mount Diablo on the 2018 Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Mark Davies

Ronald Ng's Photos from the Morgan Territory Rest Stop on the 2018 Devil Mountain Double are HERE including:

2018 Morgan Territory
Morgan Territory on the 2018 Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Ronald Ng

Tai Tran's Photos from the 2018 Devil Mountain Double Two are HERE including:

2018 Devil Mountain
2018 Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Tai Tran

2018 Patterson Pass
Patterson Pass on the 2018 Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Ray Zambroski

2018 Patterson Pass
Patterson Pass on the 2018 Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Mark Davies

2018 Patterson Pass
Clayton Road on the 2018 Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Bill Bushnell

2018 Patterson Pass
Clayton Road on the 2018 Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Bill Bushnell

Tai Tran's Photos from the 2018 Devil Mountain Double Two are HERE including:

2018 Devil Mountain
2018 Devil Mountain Double with United Velo San Jose Members and families coming out to support everyone
and other fellow United Velo San Jose club members on their SR Jersey hunt
Photo by Tai Tran

Tai Tran's Photos from the 2018 Terrible Two are HERE including:

2018 Terrible Two Start
2018 Terrible Two Start
Photo by Tai Tran

2018 Terrible Two Finish
2018 Terrible Two showing Luan Doan flying into the Finish with a seat that came completely loose in the last few miles!!
Photo by Tai Tran

2018 Patterson Pass
West Kurihara and his amazing daughter, Tara, on the 2018 Mt. Tam Double
Tara finished the 2018 California Triple Crown Stage Race in 2nd Place in the Women's Division!!
Photo by West Kurihara

2018 Devil Mountain Double
Video by Stan Tsang

2018 Terrible Two
Video by Dung Huynh

2018 Mt. Tam Double
Video by Stan Tsang

After completing the three brutally tough stages of the 2018 California Triple Crown Stage Race, the following riders are on the podiums:

2018 Overall Division:
1 - Rich Thurman
2 - Caleb Carl
3 - Steve Smead

Rich and Caleb completed the Devil Mountain Double in the same time
Caleb completed the Terrible Two 15 minutes ahead of Rich
Rich completed the Mt. Tam Double 22 minutes ahead of Caleb thereby winning the Stage Race by just 7 minutes!!

2018 Women's Division:
1 - Corinne Warren
2 - Tara Kurihara
3 - Sadie Joy

2018 Tandem Division:
No Finishers

2018 Recumbent Division:
No Finishers

2018 Fixed Gear Division:
1 - Jeffrey Sparks

Congratulations to everyone.

141 cyclists completed the Devil Mountain Double on April 28, 2018 under difficult windy conditions. 
Even though an alternative course had to be ridden due to road closures, the signature climbs of Mt. Diablo and Mt. Hamilton
were still included making for an extremely tough day on the bike.

150 cyclists registered for the Terrible Two, 139 started and 109 completed this extremely difficult course.
  Ride Organizer Bill Oetinger wrote: “A user-friendly Terrible Two for 2018:  That “user-friendly” header may seem like a sick joke
to some of the participants in the Terrible Two on June 16. No Terrible Two is easy or friendly. But it’s meant as a relative term:
compared to some of the nastier editions of the event, this one was fairly benign. Most significantly, the weather was nice.
Official temperatures for Saturday around the course ranged from below 60° on the coast to above 80° in Cloverdale, the
mid-point of the long ride. If there was anything to complain about, it might be that it was a little too chilly after twilight.
A fair bit of shivering was seen among the riders at the finish, once their engines started to cool down after their big efforts.”

The Mt. Tam Double was the third and final stage of the 2018 California Triple Crown Stage Race on August 4, 2018.
156 cyclists registered for the Mt. Tam Double, 141 started and 116 completed this extremely challenging course.
Extremely tough headwinds and sidewinds contributed to make this a very tough Double Century.

We tip our helmets to all of those who have completed all three stages of this most difficult 2018 Stage Race.
Everyone who completes all three stages will be recognized at the 2018 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast to be held on 9/30/18,
the day after the Knoxville Fall Classic Double. The 3 winners in each division will be awarded the coveted California Triple Crown Stage Race Plaques.

We are looking for photos from these Double Centuries. Please e-mail links to them to Chuck Bramwell at CBrams at CalTripleCrown.com

To complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race is a HUGE Accomplishment in cycling!!

To be in the Tandem Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a tandem with the same person.
To be in the Recumbent Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a Recumbent bike.
To be in the Fixed Gear Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a Fixed Gear bike.
The Overall Division Winners can include Women, Tandems, Recumbents, or Fixed Gear Bikes if they finish in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place overall in the 3 Double Centuries.
No motors of any kind are allowed on these bikes ridden in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... each of those Double Centuries must be strictly human powered events.
Any form of human-powered vehicle is acceptable but the vehicle must be powered solely by the rider.
The awards for the Winners in each Division will be determined by the Organizers of the Double Centuries in the Stage Race.

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Davis Bicycle Club



