2016 California Triple Crown Winners Sorted by Stage Race Winners

2016 California Triple Crown Winners
 Sorted by Stage Race Winners
Winners by Time
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To All Clubs

Winners by Name First Time Winners
Winners by Number of Doubles Volunteers
Winners by Total # Rides Winners by Total # Years
Stage Race Winners Winners by Club
Gold Thousand Mile Club   
Volunteer to Help on a Double Century Club Stats

Age is computed from the Birth Date on file to December 31, 2016. To update your information or buy CTC Products CLICK HERE.
California Triple Crown 2016 Finishers
This Voler Jersey will look GREAT on you!!
If you are among the select few able to complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race,
you NEED one of these Jerseys!!
Check out all of the details of the California Triple Crown Stage Race Jersey

2016 DMD
Mount Diablo is beautiful on the Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Peter Meyer

2016 DMD
Mount Hamilton is a long tough climb on the Devil Mountain Double
Photo by Peter Meyer

2016 CC
The Central Coast on the Central Coast Double is stunning
Photo by Peter Meyer

2016 WM
Jason Perez climbs up White Mountain very well
Photo by Hugh Murphy

2016 WM
Derek Steadman was flying on the flats on the White Mountain Double
Photo by Hugh Murphy

2016 WM
Lori Hoechlin was flying up the White Mountain Climb
Photo by Hugh Murphy

2016 WM
Lori Hoechlin lead the Women's Division on the flats on the White Mountain Double
Photo by Hugh Murphy

2016 WM
Jason Perez was all smiles at the finish line of the White Mountain Double
Photo by Hugh Murphy

2016 WM
Derek Stedman was looking great at the finish line of the White Mountain Double
Photo by Hugh Murphy

After completing all three stages of the 2016 California Triple Crown Stage Race, the following riders are on the podiums:

Correction 10/04/16: Chuck Bramwell, the California Triple Crown Guy, made an incorrect decision regarding the 2016 California Triple Crown Stage Race.
In the 2016 California Triple Crown Stage Race and in the future, we will follow the lead of the Race Across America
where in 2013, Maria Parker, won the Women’s Division riding a Recumbent as shown HEREHERE, and HERE
The following are the corrected results of the 2016 California Triple Crown Stage Race:

2016 Overall Division:
1-Jason Perez
2-Derek Stedman
3-Max Mehech

2016 Women's Division:
1-Lori Hoechlin
2-Rebecca Eckland
3-Kirsten McDaniel

2016 Tandem Division:
No Finishers

2016 Recumbent Division:
1-Jason Perez

2016 Fixed Gear Division:
1-Becky Berka
2-Rick Jacobson (Tied for 2nd)
2-Tony Musorafite (Tied for 2nd)

In the future:
3 Overall Division Winners
3 Women's Division Winners
3 Tandem Division Winners consisting of 2 people each
3 Recumbent Division Winners
3 Fixed Gear Division Winners

To be in the Tandem Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a tandem with the same person.
To be in the Recumbent Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a Recumbent bike.
To be in the Fixed Gear Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a Fixed Gear bike.
The Overall Division Winners can include Women, Tandems, Recumbents, or Fixed Gear Bikes if they finish in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place overall in the 3 Double Centuries.
No motors of any kind are allowed on these bikes ridden in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... each of those Double Centuries must be strictly human powered events.
Any form of human-powered vehicle is acceptable but the vehicle must be powered solely by the rider.
The awards for the Winners in each Division will be determined by the Organizers of the Double Centuries in the Stage Race.

Congratulations to everyone.

Jim Cook, the organizer of the White Mountain Double, wrote: "This year's Final Stage was very interesting. Jason Perez controlled the Final Stage at the White Mountain Double by taking the leading pack out on ridiculously fast pace up to the base of White Mountain then allowing the pack to aggressively attack the 8K climbing on the first half of the course, and then pick them off before reaching the 5.5K of climbing on the backend. His hammer went in the final miles to set a new course record by 17 minutes (10:42).

While Derek Stedman appeared feeling the affects of the morning’s pace and the stress of being passed by Jason, he struggled to get to the finish line as fast as he could. Derek had 30 minutes Jason at the start of this stage, but was it enough. No one knew, Jason, Hugh Murphy, myself, and even Derek didn't knew until he got to the finish line. This was the most exciting moment I have seen in endurance cycling. All patiently waited to find out who was going have the fastest overall time, as the minutes pass by the intensity grew.

Derek rolls into the finish, his time is 11:20. 21 minutes off the old course and 39 minutes later than Jason's WMD finishing time. Jason wins the Stage Race by 8 minutes. It is historical moment, the first time in the history for the Stage Race a recumbent rider is faster than a standard rider. This has not even happened in the history of RAAM. Jason definitely had a plan of how he was going to win long before he rolled up to the start-line along the skills and training to make it happen. Congratulations Jason!!! You're amazing!"

193 Riders started the First Stage on the Devil Mountain Double
159 Riders finished the First Stage on the Devil Mountain Double

Of those, only 58 went on and finished the Second Stage on the Central Coast Highland Double

Of those, only 47 went on and finished the Third Stage on the White Mountain Highland Double

To complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race is a HUGE Accomplishment in cycling!!

We tip our helmets to every rider who completed the 2016 California Triple Crown Stage Race!!

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