2015 California Triple Crown Winners Sorted by Stage Race Winners

2015 California Triple Crown Winners
 Sorted by Stage Race Winners
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Winners by Name First Time Winners
Winners by Number of Doubles Volunteers
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Stage Race Winners Winners by Club
Gold Thousand Mile Club   
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Age is computed from the Birth Date on file to December 31, 2015. To update your information or buy CTC Products CLICK HERE.
California Triple Crown 2015 Finishers
This Voler Jersey will look GREAT on you!!
If you are among the select few able to complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race,
you NEED one of these Jerseys!!
Check out all of the details of the California Triple Crown Stage Race Jersey

Chuck Bramwell's photos and videos from the 2015 Devil Mountain Double are HERE including:

2015 DMD Start
The Start of the 2015 Devil Mountain Double

2015 DMD Diablo Fog
A foggy morning climbing Mount Diablo

2015 DMD Morgan Territory
Morgan Territory

2015 DMD Patterson Pass
Patterson Pass is plenty steep

2015 DMD Climb to Lunch
There are some good climbs on the way to Lunch

2015 DMD Mount Hamilton
Mount Hamilton is a major climb for sure

Chuck Bramwell's photos and videos from the 2015 Terrible Two Double are HERE including:

2015 TT Start
The Start of the 2015 Terrible Two

2015 TT Bennett Valley Road
Flying on Bennett Valley Road

2015 TT Geysers
The climbing begins in earnest on Geysers Road

2015 TT Skaggs
Skaggs Springs Road has some steep climbs in the brutal heat

2015 TT Wall
The Wall is brutally steep!!

2015 TT Fort Ross
The Fort Ross climb goes up and up through an awesome grove of trees!!

Tim Morken's photos from the 2015 Mt. Tam Double are below.

2015 MT Mt. Tam
At the top of Mount Tamalpias, the San Francisco Bay is out there somewhere.

2015 MT Chilleno Valley Road
Paceline on Chilleno Valley Road near Petaluma.

2015 MT Lunch in Petaluma
Lunch in Petaluma.

2015 MT Tomales-Petaluma Road
Paceline on Tomales-Petaluma Road heading towards the coast.

2015 MT Bodega Bay
Bodega Bay.

2015 MT North of Bodega Bay
On the coast north of Bodega Bay, near the Coleman Road Climb.

2015 Winners
Mike Castaldo and Aaron Wise at the finish of the Mt. Tam Double.
Mike wrote: "11 minutes down and I couldn't shake Aaron. He flatted in front of me and crashed.
He fought back and caught our group at the lunch stop. Aaron and I then rode the last man standing, Gary off our wheel
and took turns for 70 miles to finish 1st place together. All I can say is that he won a well deserved series.
As for me, it was a pleasure to race almost 600 miles with him and Gary."

2015 Devil Mountain Double
Video by Stan Tsang

2015 Terrible Two
Video by Stan Tsang

2015 Mount Tam Double
Video by Stan Tsang

2015 Mount Tam Double Finishers
Video by Stan Tsang

We are looking for photos and / or videos from the Devil Mountain Double, Terrible Two Double, and Mt. Tam Double.
Please e-mail Chuck Bramwell at if you have any photos or know of a link to some.

After completing all three stages of the 2015 California Triple Crown Stage Race, the following riders are on the podiums:

In the Tandem Division, Paul McKenzie and Sarah Schroer are in 1st Place followed by Roehl Caragao and Christy Smith in 2nd Place.

In the Women's Division, Rebecca Eckland is in 1st Place followed by Kirsten McDaniel in 2nd Place and Judy Brusslan in 3rd Place.

In the Men's Division, Aaron Wise is in 1st Place followed by Mike Castaldo in 2nd Place just 11 minutes back and Gary Swanson in 3rd Place.

To complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race is a HUGE Accomplishment in cycling!!
We tip our helmets to every rider on the list below.

275 Riders started the First Stage on the Devil Mountain Double
205 Riders finished the First Stage on the Devil Mountain Double

Of those, only 97 went on and finished the Second Stage on the Terrible Two

Of those, only 84 went won and completed the Third Stage on the Mt. Tam Double
  to become a 2015 California Triple Crown Stage Race Winner!!

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