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To create and post your CTC Biography Header or Footer using Word do the following:
1.Write your Header or Footer in Word. You can use all the formatting options, Bold, Underline Fonts etc.
2.Once you have finished writing, spell check and proof read your text.
3.Select your entire text(Ctrl+A). Then copy it(Ctrl+C).
4.Go to http://www.Caltriplecrown.org.
5.Click On 'Update your information or buy CTC Products'
6.Login using the last name and password.
7.On the lower left click on "Edit/Add Biography and Other Accomplishments".
8.In the upper center click on 'Edit/Add Bio Page Header'.
9.When the text editor opens click on the 'past from word' icon'.Pastword
10.A new text box will appear. Use Ctrl+V to past your text into the text box. The text box will automatically close.
11.If you are happy with the way your text looks you can click on the "Save Header" Button. If you want to edit anything you can do your editing in the text box using the tools at the top.
 Then click on the "Save Header" Button
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