2017 California Triple Crown Winners Sorted by Stage Race Winners

2017 California Triple Crown Winners
 Sorted by Stage Race Winners
Winners by Time
To All Clubs

Winners by Name First Time Winners
Winners by Number of Doubles Volunteers
Winners by Total # Rides Winners by Total # Years
Stage Race Winners Winners by Club
Gold Thousand Mile Club   
Volunteer to Help on a Double Century Club Stats

Age is computed from the Birth Date on file to December 31, 2017. To update your information or buy CTC Products CLICK HERE.
California Triple Crown 2017 Finishers
This Voler Jersey will look GREAT on you!!
If you are among the select few able to complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race,
you NEED one of these Jerseys!!
Check out all of the details of the California Triple Crown Stage Race Jersey

2017 OD
Mark Christopherson finishes the brutally tough 2017 Oceanside Double Century in great shape
Photo by Anny Beck

2017 OD
Kirsten McDaniel doesn't waste any time at the Rest Stops!!
Photo by Anny Beck

2017 OD
Kirsten McDaniel and Mark Christopherson at the Finish Line of the Oceanside Double Century
Photo by Anny Beck

2017 OD
Roehl Caragao and Samer Rezkalla at the Finish Line of the Oceanside Double Century
Photo by Anny Beck

2017 OD
The winds on the Oceanside Double Century were blowing riders across the road on the Montezuma Climb!!
Photo by Anny Beck

2017 TT
Mark Christopherson was looking strong on the brutally hot Terrible Two!!

After completing the three brutally tough stages of the 2017 California Triple Crown Stage Race, the following riders are on the podiums:

2017 Overall Division:
1-Mark Christopherson
2-Kirsten McDaniel
3-Samer Rezkalla

2017 Women's Division:
1-Kirsten McDaniel

2017 Tandem Division:
No Finishers

2017 Recumbent Division:
No Finishers

2017 Fixed Gear Division:
No Finishers

Congratulations to everyone.

63 Riders started the First Stage on the Mulholland Double
42 Riders finished the First Stage on the extremely difficult Mulholland Double

Of those, only 13 went on and finished the Second Stage on the Oceanside Double.
The weather conditions on the Oceanside Double were brutally tough with a gail force headwind heading into Borrego Springs
causing riders to walk their bikes up Montezuma, and lots of wind, rain, and sub-45 degree temperatures after Montezuma.

Of those, only 10 went on and finished the Third Stage on the Terrible Two.
Bill Oetinger wrote about the Terrible Two: "Just how hot was it? The official highs were 101° in Cloverdale and Sebastopol and 102° in Healdsburg.
Add a few degrees for the real-world, real-feel up on the exposed walls on Skaggs Springs after lunch and you have a classic TT crock pot:
a slow cooker that turned many a rider into the human equivalent of a well-done pot roast.
The bake-oven weather turned a small field of starters (96 entered and 89 actual starters) into an even smaller field of finishers.
Only 29 riders made it in by the old standard cut-off of 10:00 PM (32%), earning their coveted “I Did It!” t-shirts.
Another 12 made it in before 11 for CTC credit, for a full-field finishing rate of only 46%.
That ranks right up there as one of the nastiest Terrible Twos on record.
Anyone who finished this one can stand very proud and anyone who didn’t finish it has no reason to hang their head. It was a very tough day."

To complete the California Triple Crown Stage Race is a HUGE Accomplishment in cycling!!

To be in the Tandem Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a tandem with the same person.
To be in the Recumbent Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a Recumbent bike.
To be in the Fixed Gear Division, the rider has to ride each of the 3 Double Centuries on a Fixed Gear bike.
The Overall Division Winners can include Women, Tandems, Recumbents, or Fixed Gear Bikes if they finish in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place overall in the 3 Double Centuries.
No motors of any kind are allowed on these bikes ridden in the California Triple Crown Stage Race ... each of those Double Centuries must be strictly human powered events.
Any form of human-powered vehicle is acceptable but the vehicle must be powered solely by the rider.
The awards for the Winners in each Division will be determined by the Organizers of the Double Centuries in the Stage Race.

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