2015 California Triple Crown Winners Sorted by Gold Thousand Mile Club
2015 California Triple Crown Winners
Sorted by Gold Thousand Mile Club
All Winners
To All Clubs
This report shows those Cyclists who have completed Five or More of the 2015 California Triple Crown Double Centuries
and supported at least one of them in 2015.
One purpose of this challenge is to give back to these Double Centuries by supporting them. By supporting them, the person
must contact the Double Century organizer and provide some significant help in producing the Double Century.
These rides can only continue if volunteers (spelled Y-O-U) jump in and help. Support means that you and/or a family member
or friend volunteer to provide significant help with a Double Century. The Organizers have the sole right to determine who gets
volunteer credit for their events.
If a volunteer doesn’t ride a Double in this calendar year, they can share any volunteer days to anyone they choose.
If a volunteer rides a Double in this calendar year, the volunteer cannot share their FIRST volunteer day but can give subsequent
volunteer days to anyone they choose.
If you want to share your volunteer work with another person, please send an e-mail to Chuck Bramwell, the California Triple Crown Guy,
at: CBrams <at> CalTripleCrown <dot> com
It is not enough to just ride the rides because if that's all everyone does, these major adventures will go the way of the dinosaurs!!
It's not easy running Rest Stops 200+ Miles out in the middle of nowhere so each of these rides need YOUR help. Besides that, it's fun
to help out your fellow cyclists, to learn more about this great sport of ours, and to get a chance to talk to some really great people.
These select riders can have an additional banner added to their Custom California Triple Crown Jersey / T-Shirt by specifying
"Gold Thousand Mile Club" in the Custom Text. Also, they qualify to purchase our awesome CTC Gold Thousand Mile jersey.
Winners in the prestigious California Triple Crown are the elite Long Distance Bicyclists in California since they have
completed at least Three Double Centuries in One Calendar Year. This report doesn't show the hard work and determination
that went into the completion of each of these most difficult rides. These are truly epic Double Centuries and each one is
a Major Adventure in itself!!
Congratulations to these Gold Thousand Mile Club California Triple Crown Winners!!
Age is computed from the Birth Date on file to December 31, 2015. To update your information or buy CTC Products CLICK HERE.